Editing with Find Replace and Goto options : Microsoft Word 2003

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window
Introduction - Microsoft Word 2003 Window - Selecting Objects - Page Setup - Print - Find, Replace & Goto - Cut-Paste & Copy-Paste - Header & Footer - Clip Art - Fill Effect - Format Font - SubScript & SuperScript - Bullets & Numbering - Border & Shading - Spelling & Grammar - Synonyms - Protect Document - Macro - Customize Toolbars - AutoCorrect

By this option we can find the text in the document.
-Edit - Find (Ctrl+ F)
-Type the text in the Find What dialog box and click on find next.

This option is used to replace the text with new text in the document.
-Edit - Replace (Ctrl+ H)
-Type the source text in the Find What text box.
-Type the new text you want to replace with the existed in the Replace With text box.
-If you want to make the replacement one by one then click on Replace button.
-If you want to replace the whole text simultaneously then click on Replace All button.

This option is used to jump to a location eg:-.specific Page, column, line, bookmark etc.
Edit - Goto (Ctrl+ G)
Fill the page number, column number, bookmark, line number etc and click on Goto.
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