Edit menu and its options: Microsoft Word 2003

File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window
Introduction - Microsoft Word 2003 Window - Selecting Objects - Page Setup - Print - Find, Replace & Goto - Cut-Paste & Copy-Paste - Header & Footer - Clip Art - Fill Effect - Format Font - SubScript & SuperScript - Bullets & Numbering - Border & Shading - Spelling & Grammar - Synonyms - Protect Document - Macro - Customize Toolbars - AutoCorrect
The edit menu has the features like cut, copy, paste,
delete, selection etc.
What is Undo / Redo options?
Undo (Ctrl + Z)
This will remove the last action.
Edit - Undo
Redo (Ctrl +Y)
This will repeat the last action. It is the opposite of the Undo option.
Edit - Redo
What is cut & paste?
This option is used to move the object.

What is Copy & paste?
This option is used to copy the object.

What is Paste Special?
By this, we can give the special appearance to the copied text. We can also paste the copied text as a Picture.
-Select the text.
-Edit - Copy (Ctrl +C)
-Move the cursor to the location where you want to paste the object
-Edit - Paste special -Picture (enhanced meta file) and click OK.
What is Paste as Hyperlink?
By this, we can make the link among the saved files.
-Select the text.
-Edit - Cut / Copy
-Open another file.
-Edit - Paste as Hyperlink.
Explain find, Replace and Goto?
This option is used to find any text in the document.
This option is used to replace any text with another text in the document.
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